Claims Software HRMS in Singapore For Prudent Claims Management

Singapore Cloud-Based HR Claims Software Integrated With Payroll & Other Modules

Claims CTA

Discover Prudent Claims Management with our HRMS Claims Software. Staff Claims Record is populated on approval.

No more submission of faded receipts & difficult claims procedures, & Say hello to efficient, direct claims to-reimbursement.

Easily view claims’ status & close the “claims-to-reimbursement” loop, & have the information indicated in future payroll. More convenience for HR & Finance departments!

How Our Claims Software Ensures Accurate, Smooth Reimbursement

HR Claims Software - 3 Layers Approval

Up To 3 Layers of Approval

HR Claims Software - Real Time Notifications

Real Time Notifications

HR Claims Software - Support Foreign Currencies

Supports Multiple Foreign Currencies

HR Claims Software - Claims Grouping

Easy Claims Grouping

HR Claims Software - Linkedin To Other HR Modules

Auto-linked To Other HRMS Modules

HR Claims Software - Mobile Reminder Claims

Reminders on Claims

HR Claims Software - Data Upload

Fast & Smooth Upload

HR Claims Software - Set Policies

Set Claims Policies & Amount

HR Claims Software - Management Reporting

Claims & Expenses Reporting

Get Your Receipts & Mobile Device Ready. Claim Reimbursement In 2 Ways.

Claim By Fixed Percentage

Determine & configure a fixed percentage your employees can claim.

Claims By Fixed Percentage
Claims by Fixed Amount

Claim By Min / Max Amount

Simply set the minimum & maximum amount claimable by your employees.

Our Claims Software Is Pre-approved for Government Funding. Find Out More Now.

Discover Simplified Claims In 3 Simple Steps For Same-Day Approval.


Customize flexi-claims & real-time alerts of eClaim Submissions. Approve / Reject for Re-submission, & send Auto-Notifications.

Staff Claims’ Records are Auto-populated upon approval. Simply do a quick one-time claims' policy setup & you’re set.

Have all reimbursements reflected in next payroll. Easily settle e-claims anywhere, anytime today!

1. Immediate Notifications For Approval

2. Single-Click View & Glance

3. Approve For Reimbursement


Paperless, Safe & Secure: File e-claims by submitting photos of receipt(s) & EZ e-claims form via our Claims Management Software.

Check status & have immediate Push Notifications sent to you on your mobile device, once approved or rejected.

Claim Reimbursements for purchases, GRAB / Gojek Transport claims, medical / dental etc today in 3 Easy Steps:

1. Point Your Phone

2. Snap A Photo

3. Upload Photo & Submit Claims

Simplify Claims Submission To Reimbursement For Maximum Convenience - On The Go Or WFH.

Ensure Prudent eClaims With Our Easy Claims Software Today.

Our Claims Management Software results in a smoother "Pay-First, Claim-Later" process that adheres to company policies & procedures, in ensuring smooth reimbursement, & is eligible for government funding.

Whether it's medical claims, ad-hoc purchases, GRAB or GoJek Transport claims etc, we have you covered. Find out more now.

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